Product Category
Let's Get Slutty! Dice Game
ITEM #: 16253
Let’s Get Slutty is a game of 5 brilliantly colored dice that can be played either as a foreplay and sex play game by a couple, or as a group party game. When playing as a couple, a roller decides which of the two sets of dice to act out on their lover. The couple plays until someone rolls both genitals dice on the purple and gold dice. That player wins, and gets to decide on a favorite sex position as a reward. When playing as a group, players divide into two teams however they wish and each selects to either be the Blue/Purple Team or the Green/Gold Team. Players take turns rolling all 5 dice. If the roller wishes to carry out his team’s pairing, he performs it on a teammate. If he prefers to take the other team’s combination, he performs the action on one of their teammates. If a recipient wishes to refuse the action another player wants to act out with them, they exit the game. The team with players remaining after another team’s members have all resigned, wins the game.